
>> 23 January, 2010

Last night I had rehearsal for Vagina Monologues. Honestly, I've been looking forward to it all week. I love working on this show. Basically last night we had a rough stumble-through of the entire show. (For the most part.)

It ended up actually going really well. I did say "line" a couple of times, but eh. I do that a lot. I say line when I don't need to. EVERY time (except 1, I think) I ended up knowing what my line was before they told me. I just get really nervous, I guess. Especially because I think I'm the youngest person in the whole cast. So I push myself because I feel like I have to "hold my own", but on the other hand I get extremely nervous and make silly precautions for myself, like saying line when I don't need to.


Other than that though, it went very well. All the other girls were very good. But there was one that kind of.... Well it was kind of boring. Just that time, at least. I mean it's the first time I've heard it. But the monologue was one of the longer ones, and she had a very, VERY, slow pace throughout the entire thing, and there wasn't a single ounce of variety. And it was boring.

Stuff like that worries me sometimes. I'm doing "My Angry Vagina", and at first I struggled with making it interesting to listen to, because let's face it, listening to someone yelling for a straight 3 minutes can be really tedious and boring. So I'm working with levels now, different kinds of tones and inflections. And not yelling throughout the entire thing. That too.

I don't want the audience to find me boring. That worries me a lot in shows. Sometimes people can be boring or long-winded, and the audience starts to look around at what else in going on. I feel like as an actor, you should always try to be as interesting as possible without being showy or fake. You have to find that happy medium to make it interesting and real.

I'm starting to get pretty close with the other girls in the cast. I really like that. Honestly, I've never been in a show where for the first week we just did bonding exercises and stuff. It's a shame, really. Now that I've done it I feel like every show should do that. It makes the whole rehearsal process a lot more comfortable for everyone. I've always had a bit of a hard time making friends with girls, too. I don't know why. Regardless, I really like all the girls, they're really supportive and nice. I think this is the closest I've ever been with a cast before.

It's good.


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