Class, Shameless Self Promotion, and a NEW SHOW!
>> 30 January, 2010
I've been really busy lately, hence the not-updated journal lately.
Also, I feel the need to include a mini-disclaimer.
If you're reading this, chances are at one point or another you'll think I'm a self-involved bitch or an annoying little snoot, etc. I can almost guarantee it. This is because this is a journal though, and journals are where people more often than not write about themselves and their experiences. Also, I'm deliberately choosing not to censor myself, even though anyone can read this. This is a place for my thoughts, and quite frankly I'm too lazy to hide certain posts and e-mail them to Peter at another time. Journaling is hard enough for me as it is.
Not onto the real topic.
I haven't journaled about class lately. May as well start with that. This week we've been doing more listening and breathing exercises. Well, not so much listening as it is just being aware of the world around you and sensing it all. Like standing in a circle with our eyes shut and humming when the person to the left of us began humming, etc. It was really interesting. You really had to be paying attention and in tune with everyone around you. Which is the way it should be in a scene or play: you should be totally focused on the other actor/ actors you're working with so you can react, not just expect a cue then say your line. Acting is about reacting.
On top of that I got to be an absolute CREEP in my Geology class and essentially observe a petite Asian girl I sit next to so I could portray what she looked like to the class. I chose her because she holds her pencil in really really weird way. Also she's really petite, and I'm... Not.
A to-scale representation of me versus her.
On a really freaking exciting note, I'm in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"!!! It's going to be epic, I'm so excited. So far the cast list said "Fairy", but I'm unsure which fairy I am as of right now. Regardless of which one I am, I'm super psyched for the raked stage and fairy battles. Not to mention the fact that's it set in the 60's. That pretty freaking epic as well.
It'll be fun, I think, to move from one show to the next. Literally. The day after Vagina Monologues closes I'll have my first rehearsal for Midsummer. I've never done that before, and I'm really super excited!
Speaking of Vagina Monologues, if you're reading this, you should see them. They're going to be really great, and all the proceeds go to the charity we chose (License to Freedom) and the National V-Day Campaign's charity. Also, it's just a really good show. And you kind of have to go because it's a student production. But bring your friends!

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