Labyrinth of Desire by Caridad Svich

>> 19 May, 2010

So I finally printed out my script for Labyrinth of Desire, the season opener next school year. When I auditioned, I had skimmed the show for the "important parts", aka all the female characters, and had hardly read the other parts. I did this because I could only check out the script for an hour, so I figured I should just skim and get the general plot line rather than worry about all the minuscule ideas and not finish it. So, after a trip to the library, I finally printed it out and read through it.

The play centers around Florela, a young woman who's fiance, Alejandro, has left her to woo the daughter of a duchess (my character, Laura). Florela, mad with jealousy and love, decides to follow Alejandro and foil his chances of getting anywhere with Laura. Laura, on the other hand, is overwhelmed with love letters and suitors trying to win her hand in marriage, however nearly all of them are only after her mother's money. Through a series of events and masquerades, Florela and Laura fall in love with one another, and the show ends with Laura picking Florela as her bride.

I find the show to be rather interesting, both textually and in the storyline. The text is written almost classically, as it is very poetic and heightened. This show should be really interesting to work on as far as memorization goes. In addition, I think that this play showcases the themes tolerance and acceptance in a comical and "easy to digest" way for the audience. I really feel that it is important to make these themes easy for an audience to accept, especially if they don't agree. The show eases them into acceptance, and I feel that it is a really good strategy in writing.

Altogether, I'm really excited to start working on this show, and I feel that it will be a really good experience for me and my theatre career.


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