More Journaling Catch Up.

>> 11 May, 2010

I should really start journaling on a regular basis. It'd be a lot easier for me to if I actually had a working laptop, but that's besides the point. The point is is that I need to catch up on my journals. I'll go by the dates, it's easier for me.

A couple of weeks ago (27 April) everyone had finally picked out their scenes, and we all read though them. I noticed that a lot of people picked comedies, I really enjoyed a lot of the choices. Some of them seemed a little off-kilter, but that's just my personal taste in scene choices. I suppose you ought to do the off-kilter ones in a classroom setting so you can be prepared if you ever have to do on in a cold read. Altogether I'm excited for this round of scenes and monologues. I have a feeling that it'll be fun. Ryan and I are doing well with our scene, and I'm confident that we'll do great.

April 29th, we began doing work-throughs for the first half of the class. Each person either did their scene or their monologue. However, Ryan and I didn't have to do either because we switched with Gina and DeAndre. I'm totally ok with that, haha. I'm liking many of the choices people are making with their performances, a lot of people have grown already in the course of a semester. We all took notes and Peter decided to run class a little differently; he would pick two people after each performance to give notes and then he would give his notes. I think this method is a lot better than how it went before the midterm, because now it's a given that people will really pay attention to a scene rather than make up some bs note to give them for credit in the class.

After our furough day May 4th, class resumed on the 6th. This time Ryan and I both performed our scene and monologue. I, personally, was a little shaky on both because Peter was in a "Hurryuphurryuphurryupfinishfinishgogogogogo." kind of mood, so I was purposely trying to be faster and it flustered me a bit. Other than that though I did ok. I hadn't really worked on my monologue previously, and I think it showed. I started pulling back old characters that I've done before, and that's way bad. I need to build a new character for this performance, and it's silly of me to instinctually fall back onto something I did before. The scene was ok as well, I feel like with more direction it would be better. I'm really pleased with all of the feedback I'm getting from my classmates, it's really helping me see parts of the character or scene that I didn't really pay attention to before. This time around the notes are really helpful, and I'm really appreciative of it.

And finally, there's today. Today in class the first group of students went to perform their scenes. I was really impressed with everyone and a lot of the choices they made. So many of the pieces transformed completely, I really liked it. I can't wait to do my scene with Ryan next Thursday, it'll be fun. We just need to work on it some more, but I'm sure it'll end up being great.

Midsummer opened on the 30th of April, and closed on the 8th of May. We had such an amazing run! The show was sold out almost every single night, and we got a standing ovation to a full house closing night!!! (That's 500 PEOPLE. Holy shoot.) It was such an experience to work on, I loved it, and I'm sad to see it go. I've been reading some reviews about it, and a lot of people really liked it! I read Brittany's review of it, and she mentioned me! It made me feel really good, especially considering that I had a very few amount of lines. It was so nice of her to include me in her review, it really brightened up my day.

OH YEAH!! I ALMOST FORGOT! I got into Labyrinth of Desire!!!!! It's the season opener next school year, I'm so excited!! I got a lead, the character Laura. She really reminds me of Jasmine from Aladdin, in the respect that she has a bunch of suitors that she's not particularly interested in. She's also intelligent and witty. I'm so happy to be working on the show, it'll be so much fun. I've always wanted to do a show in the Experimental, also. The other two mainstage shows I've been in have been in the Don Powell, so it's about time I did a show in the Experimental. Rehearsals start August 16th, so I'll still have a nice summer break. I think I'll need a nice distraction around that time too, since John is most likely moving to LA in August.

John and my one year anniversary was this weekend, too! Yay! C: <3


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