Nest Review

>> 17 April, 2010

Nest, by Bathsheba Doran, was produced by Skull & Dagger for their spring production. I found this to be an interesting choice, as I had never heard of it before. As Skull & Dagger’s Marketing officer, it was my job to get the word out about the production and market it, so I had to research the play and bring it to the light of the public. I read the play over winter break, and found the play to be very poignant and interesting. Nest centers around a young woman, Susanna Cox, who is the indentured servant of Jacob and Elizabeth Geer. Through a series of events, Jacob seduces Susanna and the two begin an intimate love affair. Susanna becomes pregnant, and as she copes with her frequent hallucinations, she also tries to cope with the situation.

I found the show to be an excellent choice for Skull & Dagger this year, as it wasn't just some "irrelevant story about American history." Director Chis Wollman chose some excellent motifs in the production of the play, and I found that they really helped make the story seem relevant and important for the audience. I have to say that I personally enjoyed the closing scene, in which the audience suddenly realizes that they are just in a theatre and that it was just a play.

I found the actors Ken Hodges (Mr. Drumble) and Jarret Addleman (Joe) to be rather exemplary in their acting. The two portrayed characters with a love for writing; Mr. Drumble a far more seasoned publisher, and Joe a up and coming writer looking for opportunity. The two had excellent chemistry in each and every scene. In addition, I found that they provided the necessary comic relief to the play, yet they didn't go so far as to overshadow the themes or the rest of the story.

Altogether, Nest had an amazing cast, and I felt that everyone did their parts with gusto, passion, and truth. I wasn't let down by a single person, and I truly felt it was a very strong performance.


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