Stone Cold Dead Serious by Adam Rapp

>> 10 March, 2010

I saw Stone Cold Dead Serious, by Adam Rapp, last year at state. It had been put on by Skull & Dagger and directed by Julio Jacobo, and I have to say it was one of the best plays I've ever seen. It moved me beyond words. It was one of those shows that you feel instead of merely observing it, and I loved every second. Because of this, I wanted to get the chance to read it for myself this time. It was definitely just as moving on paper as it was on stage.

The story of Stone Cold Dead Serious revolves around Wynn Ledbetter, whose family is far less than perfect. With a zombie father and a junkie sister, he tries to hold all his family ties together as his mother tries to hold their house together. Wynn is a bit of a computer nerd, and the story begins to move forward when he reveals that he's traveling to New York (with his online girlfriend, no less) to compete in a video game competition. The entire play is written so realistic and beautifully that by the scene of the actual competition, I was so into it that everything made perfect sense to me, even though it sounds far-fetched out of context. (If you saw the show or read the play, I'm sure you'd know what I mean.)

I was quite partial to Shaylee, Wynn's sister, in the play. Though she is the most "fucked up" character, she's incredibly human and real. Her character has so many levels and her lines just strike you to the core.

There were a few scenes that I really enjoyed and could use in the future.

• Act I, Scene 1. Pg. 12 - Wynn & Shaylee (The first scene with them in the play)
I enjoy this scene because it shows Shaylee at her core: She is a very "sister" like character, however her mentality has been so screwed up that she doesn't completely conduct herself as a kosher "sister" figure anymore. It shows that even tough she and Wynn haven't seen each other in a long time, they still have that sibling bond, no matter how much their minds may get messed up.

• Act II, Scene 2. Pg. 72 -Shaylee & Cliff (May continue with Linda as well.)
This scene takes place after Shaylee has tried to commit suicide. Shaylee and her father are sitting in the hospital room and have an exchange. After awhile, her mother comes in and joins in the conversation.

• Act II, Scene 3. Pg. 92 - Shaylee & Wynn
This is the final scene in the entire show, and it's so moving. In the scene, Shaylee visits Wynn in his hospital bed after his own attempt at suicide. Wynn can't speak because he is in so much pain, however the scene carries on the energy of both characters. It's incredibly poignant and deep. It's by far my favorite scene in the whole show.

I also found a monologue of Shaylee's that I really liked.

• Act II, Scene 3. Pg. 95
The monologue occurs in the final scene. Shaylee talks about turning her life around and staying clean. The whole monologue is really hopeful, almost childlike.


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